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Data Breaches

Bitsight, the international cybersecurity rating agency requested an interactive data storytelling about trends in data breaches. Bitsight provided me with a dataset including data breach security incidents from 2015 to 2022 in the US.

Date 04/2023 - 09/2023
Client Bitsight


Data provided by Bitsight
Tools used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, d3.js, arquero.js, plot.js


​The dataset didn't include any numeric variable, hence showing frequency by categories was the only option, which limited the possible visualisation type. Another challenge was to understand which data patterns are revealing real world trends. In order to overcome this challenge, I researched the topic deeply. After discussing the results of the EDA with the Bitsight team, I decided to use an interactive barcode chart in the format of a small multiples.


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